
For over thirty years Novaresine has been creating highly innovative products to meet the needs of the alkyd and polyester resin market. Continuous investments in research and technology allow us to offer a cutting-edge brand for various sectors, such as Can & Coil, Architecture and Decorations, Transport, Wood and Natural Stone with a wide range of products to cover the specific needs of the clientele.


To be an innovative, profitable, market leader and operating in a safe and environmentally friendly work environment.

Operate in a context of continuous improvement for employees with a final goal of zero accidents.

Provide our customers with solutions that satisfy and, where possible, anticipate their needs.


Profitable business and for a sustainable future - Innovation, competence and high technological level - Operational efficiency.

Socially responsible approach - Reliability and loyalty - Diversification and flexibility

Corporate values. To be Novaresine.

To be close to the client.

Our goals is to be there for our customer. We provide full customer satisfaction as fast as possible, being there for them when they need us and stop at nothing until that goal is achieved.

To be a team.

We strive to exceed our goals by cooperation, collaboration, respect and teamwork.

To be loyal.

Loyalty and fairness are the core principles on which we build our relationship with customers, colleagues and competitors.

To be proud.

Novaresine was founded on and has remained a symbol of prestige and excellence. We pride ourselves as belonging to this elite group. It's a passion that we strive to maintain.

To be eager.

We strongly value the personal growth of each and every employee. It is our goal to have enthusiastic and engaged personnel by tailoring specific projects to maximize each individual talent.

To be first.

Novaresine prides itself and resolves to remain at the top of the industry. We continue to push ourselves to improve, to reach new goals. Our employees understand and work hard to achieve these high standards.

To be for enviromental.

We have the utmost respect for the environment in which we live, so we invest in innovative solutions that ensure its protection.

To be for safety.

Employees are the key of Novaresine growth so we work steadily and with seriousness to protect them through planned security policies.

Reporting in Novaresine

Novaresine has implemented a system for managing whistleblowing in accordance with Legislative Decree 24/2023.
This system allows individuals to report potential violations to the company completely anonymously or confidentially (at the reporter's discretion),
ensuring protection against any form of retaliation or discrimination.
You are encouraged to report, in good faith, any behavior - whether by action or omission - occurring within Novaresine or in dealings with it,
that violates (or induces the violation of) applicable regulations, the company's values, or procedures, or that could cause economic or reputational damage to the company itself.
Novaresine ensures the analysis of all received reports and the collection of objective elements aimed at adopting measures to correct the identified violations.
The reporter will always be informed of the outcome of the investigations regarding their report.
The results of the analyses are also reported to the company's governance and control bodies, including the Supervisory Body, as applicable.
The portal is completely hosted on external infrastructure, without tracking technical data related to the network or the device used, in order to provide the highest guarantees of confidentiality.
The Whistleblowing platform is accessible both from PC and mobile devices, with availability 24/7.


Code of ethics - Legality rating.

Novaresine intends to document its long-standing corporate values. From the certification of quality, safety and the environment to the code of ethics, Novaresine is active in international markets with a spirit of propriety,fairness and sustainability.
These values underpin the code of ethics adopted and shared by the entire team at Novaresine.

The Code of Ethics is one of the tools of social responsibility with which Novaresine intends to promote virtuosos both inside and outside its organization.

Constantly growing. Constantly evolving.

Look at what we've done in 10 years.